On Sunday we met Bobbie in the Marais section of Paris, where she took us out to a restaurant called "Breakfast in America." It was opened by an entrepreneur from Connecticut, and it offers an American diner experience. Our waitress was from Indiana, and all the waiters and waitresses spoke unaccented American english. It was crowded with ex-pats and Parisians alike.

After breakfast, we met up with Bobbie's friend Rachel DeCuir from Louisiana, and walked around the Marais district a bit. In a development laid out by King Henri IV we saw the home of VIctor Hugo. Worth a photo, natch.

The girls had to go back to Bobbie's dorm, and Marilyn and I kept exploring. We found a cool backstreet market on a crooked lane. This part of the Marais district is also Paris's traditional Jewish district, and it was filled with Kosher Pizza shops, falafel places (with very long lines), delis and butcher shops. Interspersed among these were high-end boutiques and other intersting stores. My favorite was a palce named "Disasporama"

Marilyn eventually went back to the hotel for a nap, and I took a walk to the Louvre. It was a beautiful day, and there were zillions of people walking down in the Tuilleries. Hard to believe it was February.

We had a nice dinner not far from the Opera, and then to bed.