Saturday, March 1, 2008

Au Lapin Agile

There was a critical error in the last post. I left out the wonderful and memorable evening we spent at Au Lapin Agile. This is the oldest nightculbin Paris. Located on Montmartre, just behind Sacre Coeur, it has been in business since the 1860s, and one gets the impression that the show has not changed too much. The audience sits around tahbles in a small, dark room (perhaps 60 people in the audience). A man comes in and starts playing on an old upright piano, then the singers come in, and they too sit around one of the tables. The waitress brings everyone a glass of Cerisis (I think I am spelling it right) a cherry liquor, and the show begins. Traditional french songs, bits of musical comedy, the audience joining in on many numbers. Marilyn had been before, and had been dying to take us for years, and it truly was great. All sorts of famous artistic and literarz types used to hang out here. Steve Martin afficionados will note that he wrote a play in which Einstein and Picasso meet at the cabaret. Definitely a throwback, and definitely worth seeing.

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